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ID: 11
Опубликовано 1 год назад — 30.01.2023
Водитель международник дальнобойщик СЕ
Проверенный работодатель
2000 €
Poland, Warsaw
Internship Opportunity
Official employment
Medical insurance
Russian-speaking manager
Communication payment
Internet payment
Payment for accommodation
Private car parking
Payment for parking
Navigation in the car
Social package with contributions to the pension
Help with passing Code95
Help with paperwork
Work for now
We vaccinate against Covid 19
Требования к кандидату
Требуемые категории
Опыт работы "С" на грузовом автомобиле - 2 года
Опыт работы "С" в Европе на грузовом автомобиле - 1 год
Условия труда
Оплата труда
1700 € - 2000 €
Poland , Warsaw
Тип занятости
Full time work
What do we offer? Stable work for a Polish company Opportunity to work in Western Europe Earnings from 1800 euros Excellent bonus system What are the requirements for candidates? Men from 25 to 60 years old Polish is not required - the expedition speaks Russian / Ukrainian. Work experience is required on a truck. Availability of an open Polish visa for at least 2 months or the ability to open one. Documents: qualification card (with a chip) / CODE 95 (in case of absence, we help with the opening) / Psychological examination What are the working conditions? Salary: set up PLN 2,100 net 50 euros per day, weekend 25 euros. Bonuses for mileage from 15,000 km / month are possible. and for the internship of new drivers No deductions for excessive use of fuel Paid vacation according to the law - 2 days a month Schedule of work: from 8/2 (weeks) Pauses are paid like other working days Payments: rate until the 15th day of each month, daily allowance until the 25th day every month Type of employment: mind about prats Free accommodation in a hostel in a double room is provided for the period of work at the company. What will be your responsibilities? Management of trucks with trailers Plandeka and Refrigerator Maintenance of the truck Respect for the presented equipment Filling out the documents Other important information regarding the work: If you have a category C issued before 2009 and you are required by a short course 95 - the employer helps with its passage. Upon arrival, the employer compulsorily prepares an oświadczenie and a red document for the employee. There is a possibility of making a residence card Mainly trailers of the Plandek type, there is also a Refrigerator. Transportation of household appliances, drinks, containers, food products - canned food Navigator is provided and a mobile phone is provided. The car and the trailer are assigned to the driver for the duration of the work. It is extremely rare that there can be a transfer - exchange of semi-trailers The driver often participates in loading / unloading Without exchange of pallets Work in the territory: Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Austria, Belgium and Luxembourg and a small% in Scandinavia (Denmark, Sweden, rarely Norway - to Oslo ). Brand cars: Mercedes, Volvo, Scania, Iveco, Daf, Man Euro 5/6. Automatic cars and mechanics There are 150 cars in total, there are still questions: 38063 ****** Viber and 4822 ****** manager Inna
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