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ID: 297
Veröffentlicht vor 1 Jahr — 16.02.2023
CE international driver
2300 €
Czechia, Netolice
Wir bieten
Internship Opportunity
Official employment
Russian-speaking manager
Private car parking
Payment for parking
Help with passing Code95
Help with paperwork
Anforderungen an den Kandidaten
Erforderliche Kategorien
Nicht erforderlich
2000 € - 2300 €
Czechia , Netolice
Full time work
International driver in Europe We are official representatives of transport companies in the Czech Republic. We are recruiting drivers for employment in Czech companies with an experience of 1 year or less. We offer: -Salary ******* euros per month. -Official employment in the Czech Republic with the possibility of obtaining a residence permit for 2 years. - Work on refrigerators, awnings, curtains, semi-trailers - Assistance in obtaining a visa. - Strict observance of work and rest norms. -Own base in Nelolice, not far from Czech Budejovice Responsibilities: - Transportation of various types of goods. -Fulfillment of the requirements of traffic rules, rules for the transport of goods in European countries. -Traveling in Western Europe Requirements: - basic education, - reliability, - at least six months of work experience - a European-style driver's license of category C E, - driver's chip card (if there is no chip card, the employer can help with obtaining), - code 95 received on EU territory! (as a separate plastic card, or an entry in a driver’s license) If you are a professional driver of the “CE” category with experience in Europe from 22 to 55 years, we are very glad to see you; If you are a responsible, willing to work candidate with a CE category, a beginner your career path in Europe — send your resume or contact the number provided. Contact the HR manager by phone: 420 602 ***** (Viber, WhatsApp) www.worksdriver.com *If there is no code 95, the company can organize a course for you in the Czech Republic, the cost of a short course is 200 euros, for drivers who received a driving license category C until 10.09.2009 is further deducted from wages, the cost of a long course of 600 euros, for drivers who have received a driving license category C after 10.09.2009 is further deducted from wages. Please send us on Viber ******* copies of the following documents: a copy of a foreign passport, a postal address with an index of the place of residence, a copy of a driver's license on both sides, a copy of a chip card, a copy of the European code 95 (if any), report work experience in the CE category , type of car (ref, tents), work experience in Europe, knowledge of European languages. We need this data to agree with the employer of your candidacy.
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Several cards in the tachograph
No criminal record
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